Carolyn Bushong Home Page Contact Carolyn Bushong Carolyn Bushong, L.P.C., Nationally Recognized Relationship Counselor

The Program

Carolyn Bushong's Counseling ProgramsMy program began as a program to help women be independent whether single or in a relationship. Originally, I taught women how not to play victim to controlling men. I taught classes on assertiveness and guided women in how to strengthen themselves in every area of their lives, whether financially, emotionally, in their careers, sexually, or handling their girlfriends. I believed that if women were not dependent on men in any way, they would be happier and have more control of their relationships – knowing that this is what most women want.

Then as it became obvious that both women and men needed help, and as I learned that sometimes it is the man who is the victim to a controlling woman, my therapy evolved into a program for men and women to become healthy and have equal relationships together. What’s important to know is that victim/controller relationships are unhealthy, create resentment, and ultimately end in divorce (or a lifetime of misery).

"Practicing as an intern with Carolyn Bushong this summer has given me an opportunity to learn with a top rate expert in the field. I am impressed with the effectiveness of the 8-step model designed by Carolyn. The clients who are committed to the process have demonstrated remarkable improvement. Her focus and insight with some of the most resistant clients who later became her most ardent "pupils" was inspiring for me to watch. "

~ Marilee, Denver, CO

To have a healthy relationship, each person (whether male or female, straight or gay) has to work at making himself or herself happy. Most of us unsuccessfully try to make our mates happy, as our mates continually let us know (just as our parents did when we were young) that what we’re doing is not good enough-- since they are still not happy. So, we end up feeling as though we ourselves are not good enough, that we’re lacking in some important way. We feel guilty for not being able to make our mate happy (when it’s not even possible for someone to make someone else happy), and our mate resents us.

It becomes a lose/lose situation.

We have to give up the myth that we can make him or her happy, and also give up the myth that “justice will prevail,” i.e. that it will be reciprocal in that our mate will also try and make us happy. Instead, we need to focus on ourselves and our own personal growth. With each of us growing and cleaning up our own baggage, we ensure our own happiness and make ourselves a better mate in our relationships.


I have developed the following Programs:

8 Steps To Intimacy Without Addiction

Avoiding The 7 Dumbest Relationship Mistakes

9 Steps To Getting Back The Power In Your Relationship


The Program for
8 Steps To Intimacy Without Addiction

My first book, Loving Him Without Losing You, came from my motto to myself: “Never be dependent on any man for any reason.” Below is my program from that book that breaks dependency and shows you how to become a strong, independent person with high self-esteem that does not chase anyone’s approval.

Step One:

Recognize, Understand, and Admit Your Emotional Dependency and Commit to Change

Step Two:

Withdraw, Separate, and Develop Your Own Identity

Step Three:

Forgive Your self for Not Being Perfect

Step Four:

Understand Why You Are the Way You Are

Step Five:

Get in Touch with Your Feelings and Communicate Them

Step Six:

Confront Your Parents

Step Seven:

Complete Your Adolescence Through Risk-taking and Experimenting

Step Eight:

Take Responsibility and Control in Every Area of Your Life


The Program for
Avoiding The 7 Dumbest Relationship Mistakes

After teaching women (and myself) how to become strong and independent, I realized the true test came when trying to be in a relationship with a man. Instead of keeping men at a distance and fearing that intimacy with a man might take a woman’s strength away, it was time to have healthy relationships with men without making dumb mistakes, so I wrote The Seven Dumbest Relationship Mistakes Smart People Make.

  1. Stop forcing intimacy (and start letting love evolve).

  2. Stop expecting your mate to read your mind (and start communicating exactly what you feel and want).

  3. Stop playing the martyr (and start refusing to be abused).

  4. Stop assuming you are always right (and start opening your mind).

  5. Stop rescuing your mate (and control your own life).

  6. Stop taking your mate for granted (and start respecting your love).

  7. Stop letting passion die (and vow to keep falling in love again and again).


The Program for
9 Steps To Getting Back The Power In Your Relationship

Once you stop making mistakes in relationships, you know how to be intimate, and you’re in a long-term relationship, sometimes things still go wrong. It’s easy to accidentally lose your power, especially since we don’t necessarily know how to handle all the situations that will be thrown at us, whether it’s babies, his parents, job changes, or an affair. So, I wrote Bring Back the Man You Fell in Love With to show a woman (or man) how to get the power back in a relationship.

Step One:

Stop blaming him, it takes two.

Step Two:

Recognize whether you play the victim or controller role.

Step Three:

Change your behavior, instead of trying to change his (or hers).

Step Four:

Stop nagging, instead practice behavior modification.

Step Five:

See behind his (or her) mask to how insecure he (or she) is

Step Six:

Become an equal partner by taking equal responsibility

Step Seven:

Communicate your needs and discover his (or her) needs so as to make a better deal

Step Eight:

Negotiate win/win deals.

Step Nine:

Pull away further when he (or she) won’t negotiate to gain more power.


Carolyn Bushong, Relationship Therapist
360 So. Monroe St., Suite 290
Denver, CO 80209

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